Promoting the cause of canonization of Fr. Richard Thomas, S.J.

Fr Thomas giving a homily at Mass.

When Father Thomas died in 2006, many people were convinced of his sanctity and asked us when he would be declared a saint. Even at the wake there were reports of answered prayers, as hundreds of people filed by his open coffin, touching his corpse and praying for his intercession. One woman, crying tears of desperation, pleaded for his help to be freed of her alcoholism. Afterwards she went home and opened a can of beer, as was her custom — but at the first swallow she spit it out, repulsed by the taste. She stopped drinking from that point on.

Belief in Father Thomas’s holiness continues to grow, as do reports of favors received. We have now been given permission to print a holy card with a prayer requesting a favor from God through the intercession of Fr. Richard Thomas, S.J. If you would like to receive one of these prayer cards, please fill out the contact form and we will be happy to send you one. If you would like to request additional cards to distribute, please do so – we only ask that you consider making a donation to help cover the cost of printing the cards.

We have been entrusted with the responsibility of keeping track of any graces and answered prayers through Fr. Rick’s intercession. You can use the form here to report any favors received through his intercession.

Join us in praying that the official cause for his canonization will be opened soon.