Nicole Healed of Bone Disease

6 year old healed of bone disease.
Nicole, age 6, in her back brace that will soon be removed.

Meet 6-year-old Nicole. She is such a lively, cheerful little girl that you would never suspect that she was born with a debilitating bone disease that kept her from growing. She has had three major operations on her spine and her back is all scarred up from the surgeries, but that doesn’t dampen her spirits one bit.

For several years now, we have been helping Nicole and her family get the medical help she needs. Two years ago we bought her a back brace because she was bent over and unable to stand up straight without it. All along we have prayed for God to heal Nicole, and every time we pray, she joins right in. She has a lot of faith and trust in the Lord.

About 3 months ago, her family was advised to take her to a hospital in Mexico City for yet another big surgery. Her mother was devastated. “She’s so little and she has to have this other surgery,” she wept. But Nicole chimed in, “Mom, don’t be afraid. It’s not going to hurt. They are going to put me to sleep.” With her strong faith, she knew the Lord was going to take care of everything.

When they got there, the specialist ordered more bone scans. After getting the results and comparing them with her previous exams, the doctor told them, “No, Nicole doesn’t need an operation. She’s fine. These tests show that her bones are growing now, and we believe that she’s going to keep on growing. We want to see her every year to make sure, but she can live her life normally. Soon she won’t even have to wear the brace on her back.”

Needless to say, they were all elated. They went to the Basilica dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City to thank God for hearing their prayers. When her mom asked Nicole what she wanted to pray, Nicole replied, “I’m not going to ask for anything. I’m just going to give thanks.”

Leaving her gift of flowers at the altar, Nicole said, “Thank you. I know I’m healed.”
