It was with heavy hearts that we got the news that our priest and chaplain, Fr. Jack Vessels S.J., is being moved to Louisiana. With his 90th birthday approaching next month, his superiors decided that he should now take up residence in the Jesuit retirement home in Grand Coteau.
Fr. Jack has been working with us for the last 7 years, having arrived in July 2009, and what a blessing he has been. He joined in every one of our ministries – including celebrating Mass at The Lord’s Food Bank in Juarez, visiting the sick and elderly in their homes, hearing confessions at our Las Alitas youth center, and giving spiritual direction and counsel to anyone who came to him.
Born in Oklahoma and raised in Texas, Fr. Jack entered the Society of Jesus in 1944. He served as a missionary priest in Brazil for 20 years and then traveled extensively as the Jesuit in charge of the Apostolate for Prayer in Rome. He later was assigned to different retreat houses in the U.S. and directed people in making the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, before finally coming to work with us on the border.
“I had hoped to live out the rest of my days here, dying with “my boots on,” he shared. “But a Jesuit goes where they are sent, and my superiors are giving me this new assignment. So it is the Lord’s will.
“It is very sad for me, though, to leave this community where I was so happy and a part of such great work.”
We will miss you too, Fr. Jack. Vaya con Dios (Go with God)!