Two Humble Souls

Two very special people in our community died within days of each other last month. Mayra, one of God’s precious treasures who was severely disabled, passed away on July 9th. Confined to bed and unable to speak, Mayra always had a beautiful smile and lit up with joy when we entered her home, letting us know in an unspoken way how happy she was to see us. She was 17 years old when she died.

Mayra now gone to be with the Lord.
Mayra now gone to be with the Lord.

A few days later, our beloved brother and friend, Ron Webster, passed away at the age of 75. Ron came to volunteer with us in the summer of 1994, taking on any task or job that was asked of him. He lived at our main building in El Paso, serving as caretaker and doing many behind-the-scenes jobs like making sure all our vans were filled with gas, the oil changed, tires inflated and in good shape, and loading up supplies to cross over the border each day.

Humble, gentle servant Ron Webster  passed away on July 12, 2015.
Humble, gentle servant Ron Webster
passed away on July 12, 2015.

Ron was always cheerful and ready to help anyone in need. With degrees in English literature and philosophy, Ron loved a good conversation on a multitude of topics, but his greatest joy was spending time with the poor and ministering to God’s lowly ones.

After spending a month in the hospital recovering from surgery, Ron suddenly took a turn for the worse. Despite the medical team’s valiant efforts to save his life, Ron died two days later surrounded by family and friends.

Ron was one who visited Mayra on a regular basis, bringing groceries for the family and supplies for Mayra’s care. And we can’t help but feel that these two met up together on the other side to enter into the joy of the Lord’s presence for eternity.

