God’s protection in a car accident

We received this letter from a woman who wanted to thank God for His protection during a horrible car accident that she and her family were in:

Traffic accident, car after rollover lie on the roofWith enormous joy and gratefulness to God, I want to report to you what happened to us. My husband, two of our granddaughters (ages 5 and 6), and I suffered a terrifying car accident [the car swerved and rolled over]. Thanks be to God, the girls were unharmed! My husband suffered a broken rib and muscular pains, but he was able to get out of the car right away and help the girls get out. However, I was trapped in the wreckage and could not breathe.

Right after the accident happened, there were people there to help us [which was significant because it was a lonely stretch of highway]. A young man asked if he could pray for me. Putting his hand on me, he prayed, “Father God, eternal and merciful, I ask you to remove from her all fear and whatever would block her from coming away well from this situation. Thank you, Lord.” As soon as he finished praying, I felt air go into my lungs and was able to breathe again.

I was taken by ambulance to the hospital [which took two hours since the accident had happened in a rural place]. I felt the presence of [and she named two people from our community] with me so strongly, and I heard their voices audibly. They were singing, “The joy of the Lord is our strength…” over and over again, and I felt tremendous joy and peace flood my heart. It made the ambulance ride go by quickly and before I knew it, we were at the hospital.

For my part, I had 3 broken ribs and damage to my right lung. But thanks to the prayers of so many of you, I received endless physical and spiritual help, and at the time of writing this note [not long after the accident], we are just about fully recovered. I give thanks to God for having surrounded us with so many angels. Blessed be God!


