Is God Multiplying Money?

Going through our achieves the
other day, I found this testimony from Manny Basurto, a long-time volunteer at
our Food Bank in Juarez, Mexico, who passed away in 1994. 

He wrote: “In August of 1984,
Carmen Molina gave me 50,000 pesos. After all the bills had been paid and everything
was accounted for, I ended up with 200,000 pesos. This was within a 10 day
“The second instance was in the
month of May 1985. I believe the Lord multiplied some more money. It was almost
the same amount. I told Carmen Molina about it and gave her the money that the
Lord had multiplied. I didn’t mention it to anybody else because I thought they
wouldn’t believe it.
“The third case happened
recently. On August 14, 1985, I was given 183,100 pesos. On August 22, 1985, I
was given 100,000 pesos more. So that gave me a total of 283,100 pesos. The
bills I had to pay totaled 360,136.50 pesos, and when I turned in my accounting
of what I had received and paid, I had 77,036.50 remaining. I believe God
multiplied the pesos!”
Apparently the Lord is still
multiplying money here. I just got this report from Ramona, who heads up the
Lord’s Food Bank with her husband. She wrote in an email, “First I’m still in
shock. After reviewing the numbers, I found out that I use more money than what
I receive, glory be to God. The expenses I put on the budget are the most basic,
but there are many more requests every week from people who need help with
their gas and other things. Really, Ellen, I think the money was multiplying,
because every week I had the exact money for all the expenses and for the extra
needs that people came to me with. There have been several times when I know
the envelope where I keep the money was empty, yet someone in very desperate
need would come to me and I would check anyway, and sure enough, there would be
like $20 left. Most of the time I have extra money to use for those who come in
serious need. I’m always concerned about using this money well, but I guess the
Lord is pleased because He keeps providing more.”