Little girl born without ears

Little girl born without ears
Danna Paola

Meet Danna Paola. Her mother, Josefina, has been bringing her to the Lord’s Food Bank in Juarez ever since Danna was a baby. Danna was born with a condition where her ears were not formed properly – there are no openings and just a partial lobe on each side.

Josefina with Danna at 2 months old fitted with her special transistor headband.

When she was two months old, we took her to a pediatric audiologist who determined that her auditory nerve was not damaged. She fitted Danna with a special transmitter within a stretchy headband, which bypassed the blockage and transmitted sound waves to the inner ear. As a result, Danna could hear 90%, and as she grew, learned how to speak normally, thanks to this hearing device.


Danna awaiting reconstructive surgery for her ears.

Now Danna is 8 years old, and the doctors have told her parents that it is important she have reconstructive surgery to open and reform her outer ears. This is a good age to do the operation, but her parents cannot afford it, even with the financial aid the hospital offers. The surgery would take place in Guadalajara, and Josefina and Danna would need to travel there for it.

We have assured Josefina that we will help her, knowing that the Lord always provides.

We will let you know how it goes.