Los Pajaritos couple

Lupita and her husband, Jose, have seen many highs and lows in their married life together. Now in their sixties, he says he rescued her out of working at a bar when they were young and married her to save her from that lifestyle. She tells us that he used to beat her a lot.

Lupita started coming to our Saturday morning Masses at Las Alitas, tired, frail and complaining of various aches and pains. She is mentally ill and does not usually make much sense when she speaks, but the welcome and love she experienced here kept her coming back week after week.

Jose originally came to help Lupita carry home the groceries that we give out each week, as the sack was too heavy for her to carry. He was always drunk, smelling strongly of alcohol, and unkempt in appearance. After a few weeks he started to arrive in time for the Mass, sitting in the back. Very drunk, he would stagger up the aisle to Fr. Jack, hugging him and asking for a blessing, which Father would cheerfully and patiently give him each time.

All those blessings and love had an effect because soon Jose started arriving cleaned up and sober. He told us he was giving up drinking. He now joins in wholeheartedly with the singing and praise, and he and his wife never miss a week in coming to help out as they can.

Lupita and Jose never had children of their own, but at Las Alitas they have found a family and are surrounded by dozens of children at the center.

“We are happy now and have found peace, thanks to God and our brothers and sisters here,” Jose smiled. And this sweet couple, whom we nicknamed “Los Pajaritos” (the little birds), enrich our lives as well.

Lupita and Jose
Lupita and Jose

