Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J. Podcast - English

A place to listen to some of the teachings and homilies that Father Rick Thomas gave (in English only.) 

May 24, 2023

Truth Series #4 – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

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Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J.
Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J.
Truth Series #4 - Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

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Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J. Podcast

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Jesus warns against false prophets that are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

He gives the example of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. They lied by withholding the actual amount of the sale of their property. They didn’t have to sell the property or give all the proceeds to the apostles. They could have kept the land or kept some or all of the money from the sale. What was grievous was that they lied about it. They bore false witness.

Father Thomas said he always thought this was a warning to be on guard against others. But he realized, and it came as a shock, that he can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

We need to make sure that we aren’t being a wolf in sheep’s clothing by bearing false witness.


  • Mt 7:15
  • Deut 5:20
  • Acts 1:8, 2:17
  • Mt 6:1
  • Acts 4:32-5:11
  • Col 3:9