Winter storm hit Juarez hard

loading pickup with firewoodLike much of the rest of the country, we experienced a severe winter storm in February that brought with it freezing temperatures and snow and ice all around. Although El Paso retained power, the city of Juarez was without electricity in many areas, leaving the residents in the freezing cold without light or heat.

people getting firewood and candlesWe quickly asked for local donations of candles and firewood to cross over to our Food Bank. We also cut scrap wood that we had on hand into pieces that would fit in wood-burning stoves. Then volunteers loaded up vans and trucks and headed to Juarez.

As soon as word got out, people started showing up to get some wood and candles to take to their dark and cold houses. They were so happy for this provision.

We were very grateful for the prompt response of our local community so that we could better help our brothers and sisters affected by this severe storm.
